Hi Everyone, and Happy Halloween!
Ready to hand out (or collect) some goodies tonight? Here's what your Halloween Treats say about you:
Tootsie Roll: You’re a thrifty sort, hardly prone to fits of spontaneity. In fact, such an idea makes you uncomfortable. You find it reckless and unwise, like swimming at night or visiting an unfamiliar barber.
Snickers: Quick with a laugh, steady and predictable. People feel like they’ve known you all their lives upon first meeting you and rarely have anything bad to say about you.
Twix: There are two sides to you. Sure, you’re pleasant most of the time, but there’s a hard edge underneath. It’s a good thing, but it does add a layer of complexity that can otherwise be absent in your peers.
Circus Peanuts: Sadists. Out to ruin everything for everyone. Unreasonable and perverse. You’re unpleasant to be around and that’s just the way you like it. People will exhaust all other options before coming to you for anything.
Kit Kat: Tolerant and generous. You’re quick to share, but as a consequence, everyone wants a piece of you. Although you frequently spread yourself thin, you never fail to deliver.
Sour Patch Kids: Your first impression is that of a harsh, bitter person, and that causes others to prematurely judge you. But those that take the time to get to know you realize you can really be quite sweet and charming.
Starburst: Everybody likes you, even if they don’t enjoy everything about you. There are just parts of your personality that don’t sit well with some. And when those parts come out, people end up trying to pass you off on others.
100 Grand: You know what you have and you have no problem showing it. You wear flashy jewelry and sunglasses indoors. You’re surrounded by hangers-on whom you call your friends, but deep down you know they’d turn their back on you the second things went bad.
M&M’s: Yes, you like variety, but you never stray too far from what you know best. You got this far doing things your way and see no reason to make drastic changes. No sir, you’ll stick to what you know, thank you very much.
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups: Incredibly likable because everyone finds something in you they enjoy. Friendly and approachable, there’s just something indescribably wonderful about you. Even when you’re a little salty, there’s an underlying sweetness to you.
Butterfinger: Flaky, evasive and unreliable. You’ll say whatever it takes to get you out of a situation, no matter how benign. Just when people think they’ve gotten through to you, you find a new way to fall apart. Often picked last for games involving catching
Candy Corn: Big mistake. Who the hell gives out candy corn to trick or treaters? Sure it's the traditional seasonal treat, but you don't give it out to kids so it gets all clumpy and gross at the bottom of their trick or treat bags. This just means that you don't know what kids like.
Carob: Boo! You are a stupid vegan hippy who wants to ruin one of the best days of the year for everyone around you. You think that pushing your "doesn't cast a shadow" agenda is more important than children's joy.
Full Size Candy Bars: You're just a show off. You want to impress all the parents in the hood that you make so much money or you're so cool that you are splurging on giant sized candy bars.
Hersey Kisses: You're really more of a Christmas person, aren't you?
TWO WILLOWS JEWELRY: Shows impeccable taste and cost-consciousness at the same time. Also an appreciation for the fact that long after the candy is gone, you'll have something beautiful to show for your expenditure. Plus, all TWJ styles are ZERO calorie and won't rot your teeth. See this week's feature on the site. Link below my signature.
Two Willows Jewelry
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