I was trying to think of an appropriate post-election offering for this week's feature---but I don't want to make any kind of a "red" or "blue"-aligned statement in the process. We all have our opinions. Some of us woke up to happy news yesterday and some of us didn't. Yesterday morning the negative ads on tv were gone (finally, thank you), but taking their place in the steel cage match of opinion were the negative and gloating comments on FB and the Tweet-o-sphere.
I opted for a status update quote from the Rolling Stones: "You can't always get what you want." It may apply to you. It may apply to me. It is neither a red comment nor a blue one. It's just a statement of fact. You start to learn this lesson as a very young child. You spend the rest of your life practicing your response to it. I retreated to the studio for the day until the malay subsided.
A friend reflected on yesterday's lack of civility thusly: If we can't get along and set aside our differences to find common purpose, how do we expect our elected officials to? Very insightful. Begs the question: Are we setting the example for them or are they setting the example for us? Think about it.
The only thing I know for sure is this: We are all in this boat together, and if we could stop bickering and start rowing together, we might actually get somewhere. Or, we can sit stubbornly, refusing to row anywhere because it is "our" direction, and continue adrift. Complaining all the while, no doubt. Some that others aren't rowing at all or enough. Some that we don't want to row 'in that direction'. Some that we are rowing harder than others. Who would want to Captain this crew???
If WE, the People, are sincere in our pleas for compromise, for civility, for a change of 'tone', for reduced rhetoric, for productivity, for RESULTS, then, perhaps, WE should set an example for our leaders. Set aside the labels of red states and blue states. All that does is help tv producers whip up some snappy graphics. Personally, I prefer the Rockefeller Plaza ice rink white.
It's time for some new colors. Something less blue than navy. Something less red than a fire truck. It's time for.........
The Piece(s) of the Week. See them on the website--link below my signature.
Until next week--Promote civility. Elect to be kind. Choose softer words. Set the tone.
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